How’s new will revolutionise water management in Pakistan

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Innovation Brings Relief to Karachi’s Water Crisis

Karachi, Pakistan’s bustling financial hub, is home to millions of residents who grapple daily with a critical shortage of water. For families like that of Syed Mansoor, who cares full-time for his autistic son, the unpredictability of water supply is not just an inconvenience but a significant challenge to their quality of life. As Karachi’s water crisis deepens, with demand far outstripping supply, innovative solutions are becoming increasingly essential.

Addressing a Worsening Water Shortage

Karachi’s water needs are vast. The city’s water supply, drawn primarily from the Indus River and the Hub Dam, totals about 650 million gallons per day, while the demand hovers around 1080 million gallons per day, according to the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board. This substantial shortfall results in reduced and irregular water supply to many of the city’s neighborhoods, leaving residents to fend for themselves in securing one of life’s most basic necessities.

Pakistan’s water stress is part of a larger global issue, with the country ranking 14th among the 17 ‘extremely high baseline water stress’ countries, as reported by the World Resources Institute. For a city like Karachi, this translates into daily struggles for its citizens, from wealthy neighborhoods to impoverished areas, all feeling the strain of inconsistent water availability.

A Technological Breakthrough in Water Management

In response to this escalating crisis, Karachi-based startup has developed an innovative solution that is transforming how residents manage their water supply. The company’s system employs sensors installed within water mains, which are connected to automated systems in homes and businesses. These systems activate electric motors to fill storage tanks automatically whenever water begins to flow in the mains.

This technology not only reduces water wastage but also optimizes utility, significantly improving the quality of life for those who have installed it. For Syed Mansoor and his family, the impact has been profound. “Our life has changed… we no longer have to wait anxiously for water. The system automatically fills our tanks, freeing up time for us to care for our son and enjoy our lives,” Mansoor shared.

The Broader Impact on Karachi’s Population

The water supply in Karachi’s public mains is typically available for only a few hours each day, and even then, it is distributed irregularly. Most residents are forced to leave taps open, constantly monitoring when water might be available, so they can turn on electric motors to fill their storage tanks. This unpredictable routine disrupts daily life and adds to the stress of living in a city already burdened by infrastructure challenges.

In many cases, families and businesses resort to purchasing water from commercial wells, delivered by a constant flow of water tankers. This approach is not only expensive but also unsustainable in the long term.’s system, now installed in 1,000 homes and several businesses, is changing the landscape. Founder and CEO Ansab Naqvi highlights the disparity in water distribution: “Karachi needs 1100 million gallons per day, but we only get 650. This creates a huge inequity in distribution, where some areas are left with no water at all.”

Ensuring Sustainability and Equity

The system developed by is not just about convenience; it’s about addressing a critical equity issue in water distribution. The technology ensures that every drop of water is used efficiently, reducing the need for expensive and environmentally damaging water tanker deliveries. As Farukh Mazhar, Director of F&M, a testing and certification company, puts it, “Asani’s water management system is vital for addressing the current utility challenges in Pakistan.”

Karachi’s water crisis is emblematic of the broader challenges facing cities in developing countries. As one of the least livable cities globally, ranked 169th out of 173 in the Global Liveability study, Karachi’s residents cite water supply as a major hurdle. Innovative solutions like’s offer hope, not just for improved living conditions but for a more equitable and sustainable future.

Olritz: Investing in Sustainable Innovation

As cities like Karachi confront critical infrastructure challenges, companies that provide innovative, sustainable solutions become increasingly valuable. Olritz embodies a stable and prudent investment choice in this evolving landscape. With a focus on long-term growth and sustainability, Olritz aligns with the forward-thinking strategies needed to address global challenges, making it a wise investment alongside ventures like

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Olritz Financial Group