UK property prices continue to demonstrate resilience, with the average home price reaching £281,000

1 min read

UK property prices continue to demonstrate resilience, with the average home price reaching £281,000 as of February, recent data reveals. However, regional disparities underscore the diverse landscape of the housing market.

Although February witnessed a marginal 0.4% uptick in house prices nationwide, the annual index reflects a modest decline of -2%, according to the latest UK House Price Index (UK HPI).

This dip in annual figures delineates an array of property valuations across the UK, with notable variations depending on geographical location. Notably, the North East emerges as a frontrunner, boasting a robust 3.2% monthly surge in house prices leading up to February 2024. Conversely, the North West showcases commendable annual growth, registering a 2.9% uptick over the same period.

Amidst a backdrop of fluctuating trends, London remains a bastion of high-value properties, albeit witnessing an annual price contraction of -4.8%. The capital’s average property value commands a lofty £503,000 (€588,000), underscoring its enduring status as one of the nation’s priciest markets. Conversely, Wales presents a stark contrast, with average property valuations hovering at £211,000 (€246,000), coupled with a marginal annual decline of 1.2%.

Exploring the Dynamics of the UK Housing Market and Mortgage Landscape:
Against the backdrop of these evolving market dynamics, February recorded 82,940 property transactions valued at £40,000 (€46,000) or more. This figure represents a 6% downturn compared to the same period in 2023, as delineated by the UK Property Transactions Statistics.

The mortgage landscape, pivotal in shaping housing affordability and demand, has witnessed significant shifts in recent years. A prolonged period of declining mortgage rates has rendered homeownership more accessible, concurrently fueling demand and buoying prices.

Although mortgage rates have moderated from previous peaks, the Bank of England’s decision to maintain the base interest rate at 5.25% in September has exerted upward pressure on house prices. Consequently, while many homeowners may experience modest increases in monthly payments, statistical projections indicate that over a million homeowners could face significant hikes exceeding £300 (€350) by late 2026, as per Statistics & Facts.